
Constellis offers the following SWAT training courses. To schedule a course, please email Train@Constellis.com.

SWAT Course Descriptions


Using tactics developed from what SWAT/CERT/SRT teams consistently experience during operations, the Constellis SWAT I course gives officers who are new to tactical teams a working understanding of the core skills related to basic clearing techniques. The first day of this five-day SWAT I course exposes students to the necessary firearms skills needed to successfully clear buildings. Over the following four days, students are challenged with situations and exercises that create a solid foundation of skills enabling them to integrate into a tactical team. The SWAT I course is open to all officers who conduct warrant service, fugitive apprehension, SWAT operations and drug search warrants, and who need a solid understanding of basic room-clearing tactics.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Ammunition Requirements

Coming soon.


SWAT II builds upon the tactical foundation taught in the Constellis SWAT I course. The first day starts with a basic building clearing and firearms fundamentals review, including a pistol and long-gun qualification course. The remainder of the course uses a mixture classroom and practical instruction to develop advanced techniques for building clearing and other tactical scenarios. Students use these techniques in challenging, practical situations to increase their skills, knowledge and competence, enabling them to plan and execute warrant services and hostage rescue.

This course is open to all officers who conduct warrant service, fugitive apprehension, SWAT operations and drug search warrants who have completed an appropriate level 1 equivalent and are in need of advanced tactics and techniques to conduct special weapons and tactics operations efficiently and safely.


  • Basic building clearing
  • Firearms fundamentals review (including a pistol and long-gun qualification course)
  • Advanced building clearing techniques
  • Tactical scenarios


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Ammunition Requirements

Coming soon.