Handgun 1 (Basic Handgun)
This is a 2-Day course is for the individual who is unfamiliar with firearms procedures or who needs to develop safe firearm-handling skills and a solid foundation of basic shooting skills. Students will learn the basic fundamentals of shooting and how they apply to accuracy. Through demonstration and practice, participants will learn the movement for drawing the firearm from the holster to presentation. Students will also learn how to identify types of malfunctions and take the logical steps to efficiently correct them.
Pistol knowledge and Safe Gun Handling/ Care and Maintenance of the pistol/Ammunition knowledge and Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting/How to Efficiently Reload their firearm/How to identify and correct Malfunctions
Handgun*/ Holster*(No cross-draw or appendix carry)/Minimum 3 High-capacity magazines (15+ Rounds) or 6 Low-capacity (7-8rd) magazines*/Magazine holders*/Belt/Clear wraparound ballistic eye protection*/Ear Protection*/Clothing appropriate for climate and conditions (NO open toed shoes)/Sturdy Belt
Ammunition Requirements
500 Rounds; 9mm(9×19) is the minimum caliber for this course.
Prerequisites Current, Valid carry permit -or-/ Current Law Enforcement/Completion of Background Check

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