About This Course
This course will inform the concerned citizen on methods of protecting their home and family. Students will receive classroom instruction and will engage in shoot/no-shoot, force-on-force realistic scenarios based on actual events that have occurred, and where their decision-making process will be explored and tested. This is not a basic firearms course, but a course that provides training for the time when use of a firearm becomes the only option.
Use of force
Security of firearms at home and away
Away-from-home considerations
Gear and firearms
Mindset and indications of mental state
Basic room-clearing techniques for the homeowner
Force-on-force scenarios
Ballistic protection at home and away
Dealing with the police
Ear protection
Clothing appropriate for climate and conditions
Rain gear
A water bottle or other hydration system
Cover garment for concealed draw is highly recommended
Ammunition Requirements
All weapons and ammunition will be provided by ACADEMI
Skill Requirements
Basic handgun marksmanship/familiarization course. This is not a marksmanship course. Handling skills are required prior to attending class.

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